What is a PRP Vampire Facial?
Re-enter your youth and brighten up your skin with a celebrity PRP Vampire Facial at MyBillionHair. This treatment aims to minimise the look of fine lines, wrinkles, acne scarring, dark circles and much more whilst giving the skin a tightened and brightened look. A natural method, using your own blood plasma! suitable for both Men and Women.
What is a PRP Vampire Facial?
By using PRP, you are healing the micro-injuries to the skin as they are being inflicted. There are an abundance of growth factors and healing properties found in PRP, which stimulates greater collagen formation and boosts the skin’s natural healing process. micro-needling with PRP is superior to the traditional method of micro-needling because you can achieve better results with fewer treatments.
Micro-Needle vs Vampire Facial
Both facial treatments improve the texture of the skin and help to reduce unwanted skin concerns. Healing time is the major difference between the two treatments. traditional micro-needling, is generally five to seven days of redness or downtime. The vampire facial, decreases downtime to 24 – 48 hours.
The Process of PRP
Undergo your phlebotomy procedure, where we’ll extract Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) from your own blood, which in turn will be used to repair and rejuvenate your damaged skin.